IssueM shortcodes

IssueM comes with many shortcodes to help you customize the look and feel of your online magazine.

Note: By default the the format for the shortcodes on your  Current Issue page are:[issuem_issue_title] [issuem_featured_rotator] [issuem_featured_thumbnails] [issuem_articles]

You won’t see the default shortcodes on your Current Issue page after you select your current issue in Settings. They are automatically generated in the code and can be overridden with the shortcodes below.

IssueM Shortcodes


This shortcode displays the current issue name


This shortcode will display the list of articles in an issue.

Accepted Arguments:

issue – use issue slug to display a specific issue
 – any number. Default: -1 (unlimited)
offset – any number. Default: 0
orderby – View options Default: menu_order
order – ASC, DESC. Default: DESC
article_format – Default: IssueM Setting
show_featured – 0, 1. Default: 1
use_category_order – true (controls category display order using the IssueM Category Order field)

You can also control the output of this shortcode in IssueM Settings > IssueM Article Shortcode Format. The variables you can use are: %CATEGORY%, %TAG%, %TEASER%, %EXCERPT%, %CONTENT%, %FEATURE_IMAGE%, %ISSUEM_FEATURE_THUMB%, %BYLINE%, and %DATE%


[issuem_articles issue=“issue-slug”]

This shortcode will output a specific issue on a page of your choice


This shortcode will display an image rotator of featured articles in an issue. You can assign an article to be in the featured rotator using the IssueM Article Options on the Article edit screen, and the article must have a Featured Image set.

Accepted Arguments:

posts_per_page – any number. Default: -1 (unlimited)
offset – any number. Default: 0
orderby – View options Default: menu_order
order – ASC, DESC. Default: DESC
issue – use issue slug to display a specific issue
show_title – show the title of the article. Default: true
show_teaser – show teaser text for the article, if set. Default: true
show_byline – show byline (author name) for the article. Default: false
article_category – limit articles to a certain category. Default: all




This shortcode will display the grid of featured article thumbnails in an issue. You can assign an article to be in the featured thumbnails using the IssueM Article Options on the Article edit screen, and the article must have a Featured Image set.

Accepted Arguments:

content_type – teaser, excerpt. Default: teaser
posts_per_page – any number. Default: -1 (unlimited)
offset – any number. Default: 0
orderby – View options Default: menu_order
order – ASC, DESC. Default: DESC
max_images – any number. Default: 0 (unlimited)
issue – use issue slug to display a specific issue
show_cats – true, false. Default: false


IssueM Featured Thumbnails


Accepted Arguments:

orderby – term_id, issue_order, name. Default: term_id
order – DESC, ASC. Default: DESC
limit – Any number 0 and greater. Default: 0
pdf_title – Text. Default: IssueM Setting “PDF Title”
default_image – Image URL. Default: IssueM Setting “Default Cover Image”
args – Default: empty (possible others:


[issuem_archives orderby=”issue_order”] [issuem_archives orderby=”name” order=”ASC” limit=5 pdf_title=”Download Now” default_image=””]

[issuem_archives limit="20"]

This will create pagination on the past issue/archive page.

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