Article Countdown Nag
The Article Countdown Nag add-on displays a popup that let’s the reader know how many free articles/posts they have left before they need to subscribe.
*Please note the free countdown nag found in the WordPress repo is no longer supported.
How to Setup the Article Countdown Nag
1. Go to Leaky Paywall > Settings > General > Article Countdown Nag in your WordPress admin.
2. Enter the number of content views a user has to read before the popup nag displays. These content views only apply to custom post types that are set to restricted in your Leaky Paywall Content Restriction settings.
3. Select your Nag display theme, whether default or slim.
4. Choose to show the zero remaining popup over the top of the page when the content limit has been reached.
How to Change the Remaining Text from "Posts" to "Articles"
By default the text in the countdown nag will use the name of the post type of the current content. However, sometimes you may want to change to something else.