Gift Subscriptions


  1. Install and activate the Gift Subscriptions add-on
  2. Create a Gift Subscription page and add the shortcode: [leaky_paywall_gift_subscriptions]
  3. Create a Gift Redemption page and add the redemption shortcode: [leaky_paywall_gift_redemptions]
  4. Go to Leaky Paywall > Settings > Restrictions & Levels and set those pages in the Gift Subscriptions settings
  5. Note that coupons are now supported with gift subscriptions

Shortcode for Gift Subscription page

To limit which levels display in the “Select plan” dropdown, use the  subscription_plans attribute like the example below.

[leaky_paywall_gift_subscriptions subscription_plans="0,1"]

Change the email message sent to the purchaser and/or recipient

1. Go to Leaky Paywall > Settings > Email in the WP admin.

2. You can edit the subject and message for the purchaser email, and the recipient email. 

How To Check if a Gift Has Been Redeemed

1. Go to Leaky Paywall > Subscribers in the WP admin.

2. Scroll to the right to the "Gift Code" column.

3. If a code has the word "redeemed" by it, then the subscriber has redeemed their gift subscription.

You can also do an export using the Leaky Paywall Reporting Tool and check the "gift_redeemed" column for either yes or no. 

How To Add Custom Fields to the Gift Registration Form

In this example we will be adding address fields for the Gift Giver.

Using the "lp_gift_sub_after_billing_fields" action, you can use the example below to add your fields to the form.

Then, using the "lp_gift_subs_details_array" filter, you can save that data. See the example below.

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