IssueM - Flipbook

Display a flipbook link under an issue with the IssueM - Flipbook add-on.  Requires the Real3d Flipbook plugin

If Leaky Paywall is activated, you can also restrict flipbook access by subscription level. 


1. Install the plugin.
2. Copy the shortcode link from Real3d Flipbook. 
3. Paste the shortcode in the Flipbook Shortcode setting of the issue.  This will display the flipbook link under the current issue widget and the past issues.
4.  If Leaky Paywall is active, you can choose to restrict flipbook access.  If a user does not have access, the will see a modal popup with the content from the Subscribe or Login Message setting below. 
5. On each Leaky Paywall level, you can enable access to the flipbook. 

Recommended Real3d Flipbook Settings

These are our recommended settings for the best results with the integration.

Read3D Flipbook > Settings > General

Mode: Lightbox
Thumbnail size: 0

Real3D Flipbook > Settings > Lightbox

Thumbnail Height: 0
Thumbnail CSS: display:none;
Text Link:         Flipbook

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