Leaky Paywall Insights

Leaky Paywall includes an Insights dashboard with an overview how Leaky Paywall is working for you.  You can find it under Leaky Paywall > Insights in your WP admin.


You can easily filter the data by four different time periods: last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 3 months.

Note: Insights overview is pulled from Leaky Paywall transactions. The numbers won't display manually added subscribers.

It currently shows:

Total Revenue 

A total of all revenue created by Leaky Paywall transactions.  This includes both one time payments and recurring payments.

New Paid Subscribers

A total of all new subscribers who signed up for a paid level.

New Free Subscribers

A total of all new subscribers who signed up for a free level.

New Gift Subscriptions

If you have our Gift Subscriptions extension activated, this will show all new subscribers who were created by a gift subscription. 

New Subscriber Chart

If you have our Multiple Levels extension activated, it will display a chart comparing free and paid sign ups during the selected date range.


This shows a table of all active subscribers for each of your Leaky Paywall levels, sorted by the highest number.  


This section shows the top content the user was viewing when the nag was displayed and they clicked a "subscribe" link.  If the user did not go through the subscribe nag to subscribe, then that data will not be available.

The top 10 articles for both paid and free conversions are shown.  The number at the end of the url shows the number of times that article was the start of the conversion for a new subscriber. 


If you have our Attribution Survey extension activated, this will show the results of all subscribers who have submitted a response. 

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