Leaky Paywall - Zapier

You can use our Leaky Paywall - Zapier extension to send data between over 5000 different apps without using code!

The Leaky Paywall Zapier Add-On does not replace our existing add-ons such as MailChimp, etc. but does provide you with a way to integrate with services that we may not already support via official Add-Ons. 

In order to use the Leaky Zapier Add-On you must have a Zapier account. Zapier is a paid service and pricing is based on volume and usage. You can find more about Zapier pricing here.

You can use Leaky Paywall as both a Zapier trigger and as a Zapier action.
  • A trigger is an event that starts a Zap.
  • An action pushes new data into an app. 

Leaky Paywall currently provides 2 triggers:

  1. When a new Leaky Paywall subscriber is created (zaps the data to an app, Ex: Campaign Monitor, CRM, etc)
  2. When an existing Leaky Paywall subscriber is updated (zaps the updated data to the app)

Leaky Paywall currently provides 1 action: 

  1. Create a new Leaky Paywall subscriber (Ex: a Gravity form is filled and zaps a new subscriber into Leaky Paywall)

Trigger Data

When a new Leaky Paywall subscriber is created, the following data is sent to the zap:

  • user_id
  • level_id
  • level_description
  • email
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • payment_gateway
  • subscriber_id
  • price
  • plan
  • expires
  • payment_status

When an existing Leaky Paywall subscriber is updated, the following data is sent to the zap:

  • user_id
  • level_id
  • level_description
  • email
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • payment_gateway
  • subscriber_id
  • price
  • plan
  • expires
  • payment_status

Setting Up A Trigger When a Subscriber Is Created

In Zapier, select "Webhooks by Zapier" as the Trigger and "Catch Hook" as the Trigger Event.

Copy the Custom Webhook URL provided by Zapier and paste it into Trigger: New subscriber Zap Webhook URL setting under Leaky Paywall > Settings > Zapier.  

In Leaky Paywall, after saving the Leaky Paywall settings, click on "Test this trigger".

In Zapier, click "Continue" and then click on "Test Trigger".  If successful, you will see the following dummy data.  Click "Continue".

For the action, select the app you want to send the data to.  For example, you could send data to Aweber to create a new subscriber.

Action Data

The action to create a new Leaky Paywall subscriber can receive the following data:

  • email, required
  • level_id, required
  • first_name, optional
  • last_name, optional
  • payment_gateway, optional (default: manual)
  • subscriber_id, optional
  • price, optional (default: the price of the level)
  • plan, optional
  • password, optional
  • expires, optional (default: the expiration date of the level)
  • payment_status, optional (default: active)

The only attributes that are required are email and level_id.  All other attributes are optional.  

If a password is not sent, the password for the user will be auto-generated during subscriber creation.  The Leaky Paywall welcome email will be sent to the subscriber after they are created. 

Setting Up An Action

In Zapier, select "Webhooks by Zapier" as the app and "POST" as the action event.

In the action setup, enter the URL from the Action: Create Subscriber Webhook URL setting under Leaky Paywall > Settings > Zapier. 

Set the payload type to json.

Enter the data attributes you want to map.  Remember, only email and level_id are required.  All others are optional.

Leave all other Action settings to their default values and click "Continue".

Test the action, and then turn on the zap!

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