How to create a drip campaign with Flowletter
1) Create a new campaign in the newsletter editor. We will design our drip campaign in the newsletter editor. Please note: we will not be sending this as a campaign.2) When your email is complete, select "Save" at the top right.
3) Scroll to the bottom and select "Preview email in browser".
4) Select "Copy HTML". We will copy the HTML code over to Flowletter for our drip campaign.
5) Login to your account.
6) Select the List you'd like to target for the drip campaign. If segments exist within this List, you will be able to target them.
7) Select "Autoresponders".
8) Create a name for the Autoresponder. This is for internal reference only.
9) Select the desired email fire time and segments to target (if they exist).
10) Create a "Subject".
11) Select "Save and switch to HTML editor". 12) Paste the HTML from the newsletter editor into the HTML editor and select "Save and switch to WYSIWYG editor". You will see the design of your newsletter.
13) Don't forget to save! Your drip campaign will automatically fire based on the time you set above.