How To Tell Leaky Paywall to Ignore Editors and Other User Roles

Allow Access By Role

In Leaky Paywall, go to Settings > Subscriptions > Bypass Restrictions.

Check the box next to each user role you want to be able to bypass the paywall.  Administrators can always bypass the paywall. 

Allow Access By Capability

You can use the  leaky_paywall_current_user_can_view_all_content filter in Leaky Paywall to change the capability check of users that are allowed to view Leaky Paywall content. The default capability is ‘manage_options’, which usually only allows admins to be ignored by Leaky Paywall.

To have Leaky Paywall ignore other roles, you can change the WordPress user capability like in the example below. For a complete list of capabilities, check out Roles and Capabilities on the Codex. Using capabilities, you can allow access to multiple roles at once.

If you want to tell Leaky Paywall to ignore editors and allow them to see the content, return ‘delete_others_posts’ as the capability.

If you want to tell Leaky Paywall to ignore editors and authors, return ‘publish_posts’ as the capability.

If you want to tell Leaky Paywall to ignore editors, authors, and contributors return ‘delete_posts’ as the capability.

If you want to tell Leaky Paywall to ignore any user role, return ‘read’ as the capability.

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