How do I order my articles?

How do I order my articles?

To control the ordering of the Articles, set the Order field – the higher number the higher the priority, that is 5 will be listed ahead of 4. Best way to access this field is via the Quick Edit menu option.

We recommend you use the following format: year/month/day Ex: 20220315

OR install the awesome:

Simple Custom Post Order plugin

  • In your WP dashboard go to Articles/Issues and click on the issue you wish to order
  • Click the Count number which will load up all the articles in that issue (see image below)
  • Once the articles are loaded up for the issue you can simply grab each article and drag and drop them into position
  • That’s it… the articles will be ordered as you wish in the issue
  • Click the Count number to load up the articles in the issue

    Drag and drop the article

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